⛈️ Life’s unpredictable forecast
To say that you have predicability is akin to believing that the sky is green. A curveball can come at any moment.
My weather app is predicting rain in 26 minutes. The radar confirms this.
If only there were such predictions for life’s events.
A half-hour heads-up for a car accident means you could prevent it. A 20-minute warning for an earthquake would give you ample time to prepare.
But life is unpredictable. You don’t know what’s going to happen five minutes from now.
Sure, you could determine that you’re “about to make dinner” or “sit in bed and read,” but your neighbor’s house could catch fire moments after you open your book. You could find yourself with a deep cut from the knife you used to chop veggies for tonight’s dinner.
To say that you have predicability is akin to believing that the sky is green. A curveball can come at any moment.
But you can use this knowledge (or lack thereof) to better appreciate the moments that go as planned. A successful birthday party, a peaceful road trip, an uneventful day at work, a delicious homemade meal (sans blood).
Since there’s no weather forecast for life’s events, you must accept them as they come.